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Young Connected ENTREpreneurs

At the core of the G20 YEA is the dynamism of young people starting and running ambitious businesses.

While the definition of “young” entrepreneur changes from country to country, it is generally defined as young people from ages 18-45 who have either started a company or are working in an established/family firm in an entrepreneurial manner.

Young Entrepreneurs



The YEA has a unique role and impact on the global entrepreneurship ecosystem – and on the world’s broader economy.

Young entrepreneurs who participate in the G20 YEA network are joining an exclusive group of global changemakers who work every day to grow their businesses, connect with each other, and drive the next generation of economic growth.

The Value G20 YEA provides

Young Entrepreneurs

  • An opportunity to network with other entrepreneurs from across the globe

  • Connection to new business opportunities and new global markets within the G20 

  • The opportunity to influence global economic policy through advocacy and participation in G20 YEA bodies 

  • Learning opportunities from other entrepreneurs and from thought leaders in the field 

  • The inspiration from engaging with other entrepreneurs and thought leaders 

  • The opportunity to share your entrepreneurial story, leveraging your business domestically and internationally

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